You can save one (1) color adjustment layer as a Preset. Which can be useful. I've done it more than once. But what if you combine color adjustments to have a really unique look? And what if you added a LUT to that, to fine tune it to how you really want it? Now maybe you want to apply that look to the rest of your images in that batch so that it's a uniformed look. So naturally you want to try to save those color adjustment layers and the LUT layer into one Preset to make the work flow quicker for the rest of the images. Well...sounds like a great idea. One that Adobe probably already had in play since 2005. But that simple task cannot be done with Pixelmator Pro. Let me explain...
Let's say I have an image that I have applied numerous color adjustments to and I have the image exactly how I want it (I'm not using any masks). Now let's say I have many images taken at the same location with the same lighting, and I want to apply those same color adjustments to the rest of those images. The streamlined way that I can think of doing it is to merge all of those color adjustments together and save them as a preset or LUT.
Buuuuuut...I found out that this cannot be done. does one apply all of those separate color adjustments to the rest of the images?
You can select all the color adjustments, right click and choose color adjustments and save as a LUT. But the only thing it saves is the adjustment layer at the very top regardless of having them all selected or grouped together. And merging them totally removes the adjustments and leaves only an empty layer.
The absolute only way to do it, is to select all the color adjustments and LUT layer (provided no masks have been made) copy them and paste them into the other image's layers. And keep doing that for the rest of your images.
Pixelmator Team...this is not the way to do it. We should be able to group them or merge them and then save them all as a single preset that contains all of the combined color adjustments into one preset. Ease of use, convenience and a speedy workflow. Pass this suggestion by your bosses at Apple to see if they agree on such a proper UI experience. And maybe just maybe, it will be considered for addition to the so-called "road map" that doesn't really exist.
Cool thaaanks!!![Emoji :smile:]()
![Emoji :expressionless:]()
Let's say I have an image that I have applied numerous color adjustments to and I have the image exactly how I want it (I'm not using any masks). Now let's say I have many images taken at the same location with the same lighting, and I want to apply those same color adjustments to the rest of those images. The streamlined way that I can think of doing it is to merge all of those color adjustments together and save them as a preset or LUT.
Buuuuuut...I found out that this cannot be done. does one apply all of those separate color adjustments to the rest of the images?
You can select all the color adjustments, right click and choose color adjustments and save as a LUT. But the only thing it saves is the adjustment layer at the very top regardless of having them all selected or grouped together. And merging them totally removes the adjustments and leaves only an empty layer.
The absolute only way to do it, is to select all the color adjustments and LUT layer (provided no masks have been made) copy them and paste them into the other image's layers. And keep doing that for the rest of your images.
Pixelmator Team...this is not the way to do it. We should be able to group them or merge them and then save them all as a single preset that contains all of the combined color adjustments into one preset. Ease of use, convenience and a speedy workflow. Pass this suggestion by your bosses at Apple to see if they agree on such a proper UI experience. And maybe just maybe, it will be considered for addition to the so-called "road map" that doesn't really exist.
Cool thaaanks!!
Statistics: Posted by Pixteamdoesntcare — 2024-04-23 18:20:53